Thursday, June 26, 2014


Hey everyone,

Thanks so much for your first responses.  I have responded to all I have received, so if you think you sent one and I haven't responded, resend.  Otherwise, I was pleased with your first efforts.  Keep being specific in your connections to Foster and the text as you apply what you're reading.  From now on, I'll only respond if you're off track in some way.  I may send a "Got it" email, but that will be it.  

Your next assignment is to read through chapter 13 in How to Read Literature Like a Professor, and use ONLY THOSE CHAPTERS (8-13) to analyze "The Rocking Horse Winner" by D.H. Lawerence.  

Some of the these stories may be familiar to you, which is great.  Hopefully, using Foster to analyze something you've already read is illuminating.  

The due date is midnight on July 11.  Remember these count as formative grades and there will be late grades and/or zeros given if the work is late or not completed.  

Enjoy your summer, and keep up the good work everyone!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Friendly Reminder

Hey APE's--

Just a friendly reminder that your first responses to Question 1 are due at midnight TOMORROW.  So far, I have about 10 responses.  I'm a little concerned, to be honest.  These count as your first grades in the fall, and there will be late grades.  Probably if you're reading this, you've already done the work or are working on it.  Help out your friends by sending them a friendly reminder to check AND follow my blog so you get the updates whenever I post.

I hope you're all having a great summer!  Remember to email your responses by midnight tomorrow if you haven't already!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Question #1

Hello Fabulous APE students,

You were to have finished reading chapter 7 in Foster's How to Read Literature Like a Professor by now, and your first assignment should show your knowledge of the reading as well as your ability to apply what Foster teaches to a short story of literary merit.  Here's the official assignment:

  • After reading chapter 7, read Ray Bradbury's "The Veldt" (click on the title and you will be directed there). 

  • Using what you've learned after reading Foster, analyze the story.  You must make specific references to the text and Foster's work.  This need not be long or exhaustive.  I'm looking for quality analysis over lots of fluff, but you should do around 2-3 paragraphs.  

  • DO NOT RESPOND TO THE BLOG.  Send all responses to my email:  

  • I'd like to see your original ideas, not copies of someone else's.  Do not plagiarize.  That would be a terrible introduction for the course.  

  • I will respond to everyone after the due date to let you know if you're on the right track.  

Speaking of due date, your responses are all due no later than midnight on Monday, June 23rd.  Once you've responded, you should continue reading to the end of chapter 13.  I'll post question #2 no later than the July 1st. You can ask questions here on the blog or send an email directly.