Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Hey APE's,

Thanks to the students who checked in looking for Assignment 4.  I thought I had posted it July 28th.  Clearly, that did not happen.  Because this was my error, make sure you email the assignment to me no later than 4:00 PM on August 12th.  Feel free to turn it in before hand of course, but make sure it's in no later than 4:00 PM on the 12th.  

Don't forget, finish the whole book by Wednesday, the 13th.  Can't wait to officially meet you all again then!


Hey fabulous students:

Great job on your posts for question three!  I did not respond to these, but if you sent it, I received it.  I will begin entering grades for these in the near future.  Don't stress.  If you have done what I asked (applying/referencing Foster's text for that assignment directly to your analysis of the story), you have done great.  If your responses were late, your score will reflect that, but late is better than never.  If you've missed an assignment, go ahead and get it (or them) submitted as soon as possible.

So here's your last summer assignment.  Finish the book, and use what you have gleaned in those chapters to analyze the following story ("Every Day Use" Alice Walker):,d.eWU

Due Date: August 8th  

Remember, you will be assessed over the entire book the second day of school (August 13th).   Make sure you've read and reviewed by then!

Enjoy the rest of the summer everyone!